Record high temperature 43.5 °C Record low temperature -24.0 °C Record high gust 35.0 m/s Record high average 35.4 m/s Record daily rain 995.1 mm Record low windchill -40.6 °C Record high barometer 1077.6 hPa Record low barometer 901.6 hPa
Daily high pressure 1022.4 hPa Daily low pressure 1020.6 hPa Daily low windchill 1.1°C Daily high heat index 1.1°C°C Daily high gust speed 4.1 m/s ENE Daily high average speed 1.9 m/s ENE
LAST READING AT TIME: 07:25:00 DATE: 08 February 2025
Current WeatherNight time Current Temperature 2.9°C (37.2°F), Apparent temp 0.7 °C
Maximum Temperature (since midnight)2.9 °C at: 00:00 Minimum Temperature (since midnight)2.9 °C at: 00:00
Average windspeed (ten minute)1.0 m/s Wind Direction (ten minute)ENE (56°)
Windchill Temperature 2.7°C Maximum Gust (last hour)4.1 m/s at: 06:52
Maximum Gust (since midnight)4.1 m/s at: 05:42 Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight)1.9 m/s at: 06:03
Rainfall (last hour)0.0 mm Rainfall (since midnight)0.0 mm (0.00 in.)---
Rainfall This month 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) Rainfall To date this year 56.7 mm (2.23 in.)
Maximum rain per minute (last hour)0.8 mm/min Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours)0.8 mm/hour
Yesterdays rainfall 0.0 mm DewPoint -2.8°C (Wet Bulb :0.9°C )
Humidity 66 %, Humidex 0.1 °C Barometer corrected to msl1020.6 hPa
Pressure change -0.1 hPa (last hour) Trend (last hour)STEADY
Pressure change (last 12 hours)-4.2 hPa Pressure change (last 6 hours)-1.7 hPa

The data is logged at two minute intervals, but there is data recorded every minute.

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Created by "Weather Display" software version 10.37 at this start time/date 13:35:02 27-05-2024